Life wins, Exhibition
Valencia, Spain.

Instalation produced by “Jardín Botanico de la Universidad de Valencia” and Valencia World Design Capital 2022 it´s part of the Valencia World Design Capital 2022 program and joins the actions to disseminate the values of the New European Bauhaus in our territory.

Life wins! It shows us the power of life,  growth and transformation. The union of the four elements of nature keeps us interconnected, generating synergies from which to observe with a calm gaze and the certainty that the vital force can do everything. A total of twenty illustrations that are discovered throught the Botanical garden.

The installation has the collaboration of the composer Lucas Chantre, who participates with the sound piece “ Botanical Rhythm” in the tropical greenhouse: Lucas Chantre aka World Brain.

Also the exhibition includes a mural work on the facade of the Garden, which will remain on display throughout the capital.